Mama Bonnie's Waldorf Salad

Now Mama Bonnie lived 'til she was 97 years young, and she ate a bunch of these pies and this salad!

1 apple (whatever kind ya got!)
1 can pineapple chunks (fresh will do, I guess!)
1/3 cup raisins (or, these days, you may only have Craisins in your pantry! They work!)
1 banana (don't slice and add 'til you're ready to serve unless you like brown bananas!)
1/3 cup pecans or walnuts (optional, if you don't like nuts mixed in your food! Mama Bonnie did!)

Here's the Dressin':
2 TBSP Mayo (or Miracle Whip if ya' have it on hand)
Splash of the pineapple juice from the can

Mix together 'til smooth, and "dress" the salad with it.
Chill awhile and serve with the pie and the peas!
A perfect combo for your palate!

What? Why sure, Y'all can "Diva" up this recipe by addin' all kiinds of exotic fruit, like blueberries and raspberries and such, but the plain ole' Mama Bonnie recipe calls for the basics..... stuff she always had on hand....just in case company dropped by at supper time! Exotic for her was addin' those mini-marshmellows every now and then! Y'all ENJOY now, ya here!?


  1. Hey Lyn, Try publishing this comment and then you can go in and delete it if it works. just wanted to test a real comment. I deleted the jibberish ones as I think they may have been computer generated. Hope you had a great holiday! xoxochamp

  2. Miss Len is sho lookin' all tanned in dat kitchen! LUV yo blog!! I knows dat chicken pie be good cuz I done had me some. Hey Missy Bessie! Ya'll stay of dat Ripple whiles ya'll is round dat hot ol stove! De best pot pie in de in de south! LOVE, DAT


My Mama always said, "Now, if you can't say anything nice, you'd better not be sayin' anything at all!"